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I missed the horizontal FoV spec somehow. Interesting.
OK, I still think I can see a roadmap to my beloved 12KX with huge FoV.
But the timeline just has been extended to somewhat 2027 or later.
I estimate: The release and delivery will be delayed as every time before.
Then, after they got experience with 5090 they maybe will decide how to continue, like usage of double display port connections etc.
I still stay tuned, but maybe a competitor may jump in with another headset with bionic FoV.
IM guessing with the Dream’s eye tracking it can take advantage of foveited rendering but I swear I thought the game had to be developed with FR in mind?? Not sure about that. Unlike Pimax’s “pipe dream” of an 8K mini OLED headset Im think Im gonna pull the trigger on the MeganeX 8K, made in Japan. Hopefully I wont regret it.
But the MeganeX 8K yet is vapor ware too, isn´t it? You only can “preorder” it, not just buy. Of course, January 2025 is to come soon, but still I have doubts. And zero information about the FoV. Screw it.
What I am impressed is “IPD Adjustment and Diopter Adjustment” available. Pimax does not know those who have money may be… older, thus eye sight restricted. Even their new product offers after release option of extra lenses to be added. They lost me here.
There will be more progress updates on the 12K by 2025.
looking forward, thank you for responding at all.
It is indeed vaporware. I got scrwed on the Apara 5K vaporware if you will, even though it was on Kickstarter.
At least the MeganeX has prototypes for the public to inspect. I like the flip screen too and dipoter adjust. The reviewers said the FOV was similar to the Bigscreen Beyond but a little more vertical FOV.
I have more faith that Pimax will release the Dream vs the MeganeX releasing their unit. But I have had so many issues with Pimax in the past I guess Im willing to take a chance with the MeganeX. They reel you in with a 2 year extended warranty if you preorder. So Im not sure what Im going to do now. Its a big chunk of money for me to send off into vaporware space!!
I would say, to preorder vaporware regardless which brand is more like a donation to a promising or maybe misleading, cheating tech company. It´s like a bet.