Polyarc, the studio behind Moss and Moss: Book II, announced both pint-sized VR adventure platformers are getting visual overhauls and a 25% discount—just in time for the launch of Meta’s newly unveiled Quest 3S.
The studio says both games are getting all-new visual and gameplay updates, coming for free to both Quest 3 and Quest 3S.
“The update brings significant visual improvements to Moss, the ability to skip combat in both games, as well as a few quality-of-life updates players have requested,” Polyarc says.
Notably, Moss hasn’t received an update since its release on Quest 1 in 2019, but in the free update, the studio is pushing rendering to 150% of its original resolution and color-correcting visuals, creating parity with the game’s PC version, Polyarc says.
It’s also getting lighting adjustments in the game’s moodier areas, more realistic water and animated book pages, putting Moss in line with Moss: Book II, which originally released on Quest 2 in 2022.
For players looking for a chiller, more puzzle-forward experience, the update is also allowing users to choose whether to skip combat in both Moss and Moss: Book II.
You can find Moss and Moss: Book II are available now on the Horizon Store. To get 25% off, simply plug in ‘MOSSONQUEST-4CF439‘, and check back in for the visual and gameplay update slated for the release of Quest 3S on October 15th.
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