Sony to Discontinue Free PSVR Camera Adapter for PlayStation 5 This Month

If you’re one of the few remaining PSVR owners looking to use the original 2016 headset on PlayStation 5, you only have a few more days to request your free PS Camera adapter, as Sony is discontinuing the device later this month.

Sony released its PlayStation Camera Adapter for free in 2020 to help bridge the gap for PSVR users looking for a console upgrade to PS5, which notably didn’t offer full PSVR support out of the box.

The PlayStation 5 HD Camera that launched alongside PS5 can’t track the original PSVR headset or PS Move controllers spatially, requiring the additional adapter.

PS Camera Adapter | Photo by Road to VR

Of course, this was nearly three years before Sony released PSVR 2, making the adapter indispensable for playing any VR title on PS5.

Now, Sony says it’s discontinuing the free adapter program come November 26th, or “until supplies last.”

If you still haven’t requested a free adapter, all you need is the serial number on the PSVR Processing Unit. In the US, requests can be directed to Sony’s toll-free number 1-800-345-SONY (7669).

Notably, the adapter has never officially gone on sale. There are however heaps available through eBay if for some reason you own a used PSVR that has already technically claimed its one free adapter. You’ll need it!

The post Sony to Discontinue Free PSVR Camera Adapter for PlayStation 5 This Month appeared first on Road to VR.

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