Atlas: An Open Windows OS Optimized for Gaming and Privacy

Tired of bloated slow Windiws 10? Atlas Project might be a good fit to look into. Fresh install Windows 10 and run the opensource programs to unbloat and optimize processes.

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Wow ! I am very interested in this version of Win10. Will try it out myself.
Correction: this is not a new version of Win10, but some modifications after a fresh Win10 installation.

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Indeed more like an after run version of things like the old nlite/vlite irc the name of those programs that would let you remix the Windows iso.

The plus being opensource is you can review the code and compile it from the source.

Definitely want to give this a try. Just need to build another pc(lots of parts around) or simply get a fresh drive to do a fresh clean install; have a few W10 keys I have bought from Nerds4less.

At least you are buying. I thought the whole purpose of not being tracked is that you can use whatever the keys or methods to activate.

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Well the whole buying keys at the price MS wants is ridiculous considering what OEMs pay. Nerds4less is good as your buying unused Keys that a company bought in bulk. Though there are enough legit guides on not having to purchase them. But on my side $40 to $50 is reasonable. They also sell keys for MSOffice and such.

I have read ms is starting to sneak ads in W11 start menu.

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