Demeo Is Now Available On Apple Vision Pro In VR

Demeo is out now on Apple Vision Pro, with support for fully immersive VR.

If you somehow haven't heard of it, Demeo is a virtual tabletop game for up to four players. As well as supporting VR on Meta Quest, PlayStation VR2, Pico, PC VR, and now Apple Vision Pro, a flatscreen version is also available for PC, PlayStation 5, iPad, and Mac. Meta Quest players can uniquely play in mixed reality. The best part? Crossplay is supported between all these platforms.

Demeo Review - A Social VR Masterclass In An Engaging Tabletop RPG
Is Resolution Games’ most ambitious VR title yet its best? Find out in our Demeo review! Demeo is one of those times it works. Y’know, it; the whole promise of leapfrogging the miles between friends and family and experiencing a genuine social connection in virtual space via the magic

We strongly praised Demeo in our review, describing it as "a social VR masterclass in an engaging tabletop RPG". You'll find it on multiple of our Best of VR lists.

Apple Vision Pro Demeo players can choose between two modes, fully immersive or windowed. Fully immersive is the same VR mode as other headsets but with Apple's gaze-and-pinch interaction system added, while windowed works like flatscreen platforms and runs in the visionOS Shared Space, letting you use other apps at the same time. Players can switch between the two modes at any time, without interrupting gameplay.


Demeo is available on the App Store for $40. The Apple Vision, iPad, and Mac versions of the game support Apple's universal purchase system, meaning buying it for one gives you free copies of the other two.

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