Happy Winter Holidays 2024!

It is a tradition of this blog that I write my holiday wishes for you every year at Christmas. I suspect that almost everyone is too busy celebrating to care about my greetings… but I’m happy to write them anyway!

I guess it is like this, but whatever 😛

So let me wish you a wonderful Christmas, in case you celebrate it, or just a wonderful 25 December in case you don’t celebrate it. And let me add my wishes for a wonderful 2025, in which all your dreams may come true. I wish you that next year your life will be filled with joy, good health, love, money, XR, and everything else you want. I also hope you’ll spend some quality time with the people you love during these vacations. And that if your festivity includes receiving some gifts, they will be about VR and not just the classic boring socks…

Typical VR enthusiast kid opening the gifts at Christmas

I will spend the holidays still doing some work because I have a project delivery quite soon and I’ve also to prepare for my CES trip in January. But I’ll also spend more time with my family… and I will eat a lot: my mum is already cooking a lot of things, and I’ve bought an artisanal panettone (Italian Christmas cake) with Nutella and pistachio cream. I can’t wait to gain a few kilos by eating all this delicious food!

Just a regular Christmas in Italy

This is also the time during which I think about how my career has been in 2024, and how I can improve it in 2025. I’ve already started to talk about it here on my blog: a few days ago I wrote a post about what I’ve learned from attending many VR events this year. Maybe I will write another one about the current situation of VR for us professionals in the field. The spoiler of this article I may eventually write is that the situation in XR is pretty bad, and If I had to make a balance about my work life in 2024, it wouldn’t be a very positive one. But I’m not the type of guy that surrenders, so I’m already thinking about how to improve the situation in 2025 and I’m sure things will get better, also thanks to the support you of the XR community have always given me.

Give me money on Patreon, please…

And with this statement of determination and hope for my career, I end this post, by renewing my best wishes for these Winter Holidays and for the next year to you and all the people you love! Enjoy the vacation days and have a fantastic 2025!

Best wishes from your favorite Ghost!

The post Happy Winter Holidays 2024! appeared first on The Ghost Howls.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://skarredghost.com/2024/12/24/happy-winter-holidays-2025/