Hrere we go - The Pimax Crystal Super!

        <p></p><div class="lightbox-wrapper"><a class="lightbox" href="" data-download-href="" title="v5ltuc2v3b2e1"><img src="" alt="v5ltuc2v3b2e1" data-base62-sha1="xRs5J4fyhRhthSC2TtvqFmQoR56" width="690" height="461" srcset=", 1.5x, 2x" data-dominant-color="282D38"></a></div><p></p>

First user reactions of the Crystal Super (@ 21:39 in the video)

Pimax Sync 2024: Crystal Super, Light & Prime

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Anybody buying one of the Supers? After reading all the horror stories about people having to return their Crystals and then getting replacements that had issues. Im just not sure I can get back on the Pimax bandwagon

regardless of the quality, … I expect a successor of the 8KX. If they redesign their Crystal with a wide FoV, I am in. if not… I have to wait for a mythical 12K

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Thats a good point. I think the only reason I put up with Pimax antics was that with the 4K Pimax had the best available resolution headset at the time, then with the 8K and 5K+ they had the widest FOV. Now that there is more competetion regarding resolution, theres no reason to buy a Pimax other than maybe price.

If the 12K is not pipe dream, and would have foveated rendering, I most likely would have to buy it just to have the best resolution/widest FOV headset, though I would probably regret it, LOL

There is a video, they wait for 5090RTX to drive it, as expected. This means, earliest end of January, estimated release date for 5090 RTX, they can really start checking if 12K may work or not.

We still have to be patient, so it remains a pipe dream for the time being.
Until a competitor suddenly starts to offer something similar to the 8KX…