I’ve been doing my part in getting Pimax to add Almalence’s Digital Lens to the Crystal. I’ve messaged both Pimax and Almalence about it. Today, I decided to make a Change.org petition to get Pimax to add it. I decided to post here about it to make it visible where it matters.
If you want Pimax to add Digital Lens to the Crystal, I’d suggest signing. It’s here. I’m sorry about this self promotion, I just want to help make the dream of being able to use it on the Crystal come true.
Thank you for sharing my post! I was so happy when I found that you did so! It’ll just help it get to more people to sign it, which means better chances of Digital lens coming to the Crystal!
whoah… this would be EXTREMELY nice when it could cause to get this back, jep! a subscription for users would be sufficient; but baked into pimax’ software would be awesome. I liked the test mode, where you see ingame where your eyes stare at. and the added sharpness of course
I’ve even just spent 7€ to get this more spread, this simply needs to come back hrhr. so jep, I’m serious about this they told me after paying, that there now will be 140 more ppl to which this petition will be shown / recommended, either in emails or on website.
@BurgerBoy300 do you know how much signings in total are needed that they get active? 25 seems a bit low to me. maybe you got extra info as the owner of this petition.
A lot would come down to how Almalence licenses it. I imagine the reason vs what pimax said is more cost related. As while ppl do complain about headset prices. Pimax profit margins are likely quite low.
Say maybe a $100/year might work as a good compromise. With maybe a base monthly fee of $10/month or pay yearly sub of $80 to $100.
Another place to post for exposure is maybe X(Twitter) as a reply to the pimax account.
Just extra site info.
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At this time in a nutshell Almalence cost to license their Digi Lense software is too high to integrate at this time.
Very few headsets have all the needed ETing features required.
So we are only likely to hear of this being implemented at this time in enterprise headsets. Even an enterprise headsets like Varjo ATM do not fully support ET features needed.
Pimax really would love is this was at a friendly price point for consumers to have.
Almalence was smart in dangling a carrot with a free trial demo. So that consumers would naturally want this and request it.
Given time for them to recoup some R&D costs the cost to license will eventually come down for us to see this in the consumer space.
We may even see a return of the plugin version once their R&D costs are recouped(Almalence)
Pimax or others though might have their own flavour though before that happens. Even better would be to have an open-source alternative.
That said the petition is still good to give an idea of the level of interest.