Pimax Official & Useful Info

We can maybe collect these Crystal how to videos for a guide block.

The best thing I learned from this video is that:
A comment from Pimax said, “Beta test group Crystal’s have shipped out yesterday!”

Wow, I thought the beta testing was last month. Only now they managed to ship those 15 units out for the beta testers ??!!
We still have a long way to wait.

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Well we know unfortunately pimax timelines are often not as announced. In theory this current starting beta was supposed to start long long ago.

It is nice to see them starting some pre-emptive guides ahead of releasing.

I think there still trying for end of April release but that really doesn’t afford any real time for testing imho.

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New pimax instruction video for Crystal.

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Pimax Crystal Released!

Pimax Crystal Battery color codes.

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Standalone is in bound!

@Omniwhatever 's first look at standalone beta (TTL)

Posted by @JaapGrolleman on r/pimax

Posted On Reddit

Pimax Crystal coexisting with HOTAS/many-USB-devices

By TallyMouse on r/pimax

I’ve made the below diagram to help anybody who may be trying to get a lot of USB devices to work well together with their Pimax Crystal.

Using this scheme, I’ve eliminated all mid-flight HOTAS disconnects. The Crystal always recharges rapidly when shutdown, and eye-tracking and hand tracking work without issue. It should be noted that the Crystal is a complex device and contains a number of USB devices that all need to be adequately powered during operation, so the first port of call with any issues or debugging should be to reexamine and strengthen your USB topology.

Note at each of the Sabrent 12-port hubs are USB2 and powered. The choice of USB2 is specific to maintain a large number of available USB endpoints (which USB3 doesn’t have).

Source Reddit

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Now available: Extended Warranty Option for the Pimax Crystal

Post by @JaapGrolleman on r/pimax

Crystal Extended Warranty

Source Reddit

October 24th Update:

An update with the biggest updates from the last few months:

  • – Big FOV,

  • – 72 Hz Refresh mode

  • – AMD compatibility

  • – Eye-tracking and DFR

  • – Status 60G Airlink

  • – Audio Latency fix

  • – Headstrap accessory

  • – Standalone mode

  • – Production and shipping

  • – USA office

  • – The 24-hour promotion

  • – And more

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