Pimax P1 P4k Retail Box

Here are some pics @SmallBaguette you may want for your Documentary.


Actual FoV of course does not match. Horizontal is around 95° Refresh is 60hz and this featured 2 upscaling modes 1080p and 1440p upscaled to 3840×2160.

I bought mine with the Optional and quite excellent Audio headphones.

The Usb on this model is 2.0 and also powers the hmd. Unfortunately this moodel was never completed as pimax had said they were working on a tracking system and had intentions to unlock 4k native via using DSC with a 30hz signal that would be decompressed on the hmd side to the 60hz. Unfortunately pimax had not realized that PC gpus did not support DSC and at the time this was only available on Arm gpus.

Even when the 10series released a firmware update to enable DP1.4a it was only a partial upgrade as the 10series lacked the needed hardware to support DSC. Though to be honest I suspect pimax even with the 20series card now having DSC that pimax would not have been able to accomplish 4k native as planned. The 4k used the same Toshiba Bridge chip iirc that og Vive and Rift cv1 used.

The Sharp 4k panel used itself was also used in the early 4k Sony Xperia phone. Due to panel limitations Sony disabled the vr mode. This Panel used Rainbow RGB.

Pimax modified this panel with a pseudo low persistence idea using shutter glass to insert blanks and hide some of the limitations. While the picture was quite nice the panel suffered motion ghosting with head movements.

Unity Chan Rockstar Demo did show potential on software side that ghosting could be reduced considerably. The unreal bullet time demo that was later modified upgraded for StatVR One was also quite impressive on this old model.

VRKommando had covered this model quite a bit and was once a pretty active member on the original pimax forum. Though that was before my time.


Here iscl a post from Crony to the pimax team. Jan 2017

Complete the Pimax 4K tracking system!
I think the weaknesses of Pimax 4K are the tracking system, including the controller, and quality control.
In fact, the launch of the 8K product has nothing to do with me. This is because I don’t have a PC that will work smoothly.
4K products have many advantages. In addition, if you continue to work as hard as you have done so far, you will get a better response from more people.
I think the launch of the 8K product will be the beginning of another adventure. Before you start another adventure, please finish your existing adventure.
Then more people will support your adventure.

Now I’m trying hard to finish my adventure.
The last remaining issue is head tracking.

Completion of head tracking - somewhat heavy. Next time, a little lighter …

First of all, I respect the conversations discussed here.
Let me tell you the point, hoping that my heart will be heard.

  1. Camera-based tracking system is difficult to cover 360 degree area.
    In the above video, the four cameras used for this purpose will easily cause USB bandwidth saturation, so you have to add a USB expansion card. So additional costs also arise. The same is true for Oculus Touch.
  2. Imagine a lot of laser tracking systems to emerge this year
    Valve hopes that their laser tracking system will be introduced to many companies and it seems to be always at work. Take a look at the video below.
    Pimax competitor, Deepoon, has demonstrated at CES 2017 a new product with a laser-based tracking system called E-Solaris. But Pimax did not. Pimax will meet many of these competitors this year.
  3. Nevertheless, the Pimax 4K has many advantages over these competitors.
    Light weight, better brightness than before, 4K display, steady update of Pimax engineers. Now, just add a laser-based tracking system here and you’ll complete the puzzle.
  4. What I am claiming is that the laser-based tracking system for 8K products under development should also be applied to 4K products.
    I know that Pimax did not mention the tracking system for 4K products at CES 2017. So I hope my argument will bring a change to Pimax’s plan. If you are already planning, I’d like better. Lol

Updated March 13

I have completed head tracking using the easiest and cheapest dk1 tracker among the many orientation devices that work with OSVR. I have now completed the project of adding Pimax 4K’s positional tracking and controller via OSVR. I hope that NOLO will provide a simpler installation and satisfaction. But I still believe that Pimax should add their laser tracking system to the Pimax 4K.
Hypereal, a competitor, said in a statement on GDC2017 that it will start a pre-order after launching a product with a laser tracking system, such as Vive, which requires a minimum specification, on March 27. Deepoon also announced a new product, the Deepoon E3, It will be announced on March 28. I would like to believe that Pimax is well prepared for this rapid change.

This year’s consumers’ greatest interest will surely be VR with laser tracking systems.
In Korea, LG EZ VR is already the most anticipated. Where is Pimax? Hurry up.

Link to Source

This Topic from Sjef contains the Sharp panel type and his quest to try and unlock the 4k native mode.

Panel: LS055D1SX05 S

His early days also included creating his own firmware flashing tool as pimax’s had issues… He also created a special Firmware to unbrick Pimax hmds and sone still use it on the p2 series.

Sjek was also responsible for connecting pimax with a SteamVR driver developer to help them fix there driver. However pimax did not hire the fellow and instead used his free blog to figure things out. This fellow was quite upset as he was expecting to be commissioned to fix there driver. Pimax’s rep never identified themselves. The price he asked to fix it for them was not exuberant.

While this was not nice a ddeveloper wanting to market his skills should be careful not to give too much free info.

When Pimax(Xunshu) formed the PimaxVR Committee Sjek was the community Software DeV Head contributor.

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Here is the post with the pimax team petitioning the community for hekp with 4k native support.

Posted by PimaxSWD Dec 2016

As we all know, Pimax 4K goggle support physical 4K by Interpolation menthod.

Actually, it also support native 4k resolution by using data compression technology(Qualcomm FBC 2.0 or VESA DSC 1.1), and it works well on android platform. there is the sketch map as follows.

And question arrives, Why not open the native 4k resolution?

The cause is because the graphics card(NVIDIA or AMD)couldn’t support the Qualcomm FBC 2.0 or VESA DSC 1.1 tech. so we have not opened the native 4k resolution until now.

If u are expert on GPU or data compression, please participate in the discussion and try our best to find an valid method to resolve it. thanks.

Sjek had asked how the hmd supported DSC 1.1 to decompress on headset side.

Robin aka PimaxVR response.

yes, the handset has a special hardware GPU processor which could decode the compressed data within 1ms. all done by hardware.
This chip and capability was never confirmed.

Like the p2 series pimax had many versions like:
Pimax 4k

Pimax B1
Pimax Pro

And the last model I believe.8n this.series the Pimax M0 :grin: Reviewed by Vrkommando below.

Vrkommando’s initial impressions of the Prototype 8k

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