Post your feedback on the PSVR2 PCVR adapter and experiences

Im going to source a PSVR2 (I sold mine) and test the new PCVR adapter.

Tyriel Wood posted a good “thru the lens” comparison between the PSVR2, Index and Reverb G2. Although sometimes the “thru the lens” comparisons arent very true to what you will see in the headset. I really want to test it with a PC. I hated how the backgrounds in Horizon were stuttery and choppy. It would be interesting to see how a PC will handle this.


Indeed. Thanks for joining. I recall years ago reading up on psvr1 on a powerful PC iirc was a 1080ti and it was quite positive. @john2910 might have taken the plunge for the pcvr adapter

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I breifly ran the PCVR1 on my PC with some program I downloaded. It wasnt very stable from what I remember so it was just breif. I had the 1080ti at the time.

Ive seen some thru the lens shots of the PSVR2 vs Quest 3, the Q3 looked much better. I dont remember the PSVR2 being that much worse. Although some thru the lens tests can be subjective.

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Current support maybe a bit wonky.

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“Cross your fingers that it works” Ha Thats not very promising LOL


THat reviewer was having issues with controller tracking, I think MRTV or VooDooDE said its as issue with the bluetooth dongle, I think Sony is working on that or they have found a good dongle that works properly. It is “new” tech so hopefully the bugs will get worked by the time it becomes available and not sold out


That makes a lot of sense. If the Bluetooth is spotty. You’re going to have a horrible xp.