PowerWash Simulator VR Meets Alice In Wonderland Next Month In New DLC

PowerWash Simulator VR heads down the rabbit hole next month with a new Alice In Wonderland-themed DLC pack.

The latest PowerWash Simulator VR DLC update, Futurlab's next crossover aims to capture the quirky essence of Alice in Wonderland. Featuring themed 'Washer' and 'Character' skins, the upcoming 'Alice's Adventures Special Pack' includes five new maps - Wonderland Entrance Hall, White Rabbit's House, Caterpillar's Mushroom, Mad Tea Party, and the Queen of Hearts’ Court.

The Alice's Adventures Special Pack is one of many PowerWash Simulator VR updates we've seen since its November launch. Following February's Muckingham Files 1&2 update and the SpongeBob SquarePants Special Pack, last month delivered a Back to the Future crossover, adding five new levels from notable movie locations. As for what's next, you can find the full 2024 roadmap here.

PowerWash Simulator VR - The Alice’s Adventures Special Pack arrives on July 11 on the Meta Quest platform for $8.

Notice: This article was initially published on June 10, 2024. It was updated on June 21 when nDreams confirmed the release date.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.uploadvr.com/powerwash-simulator-vr-alice-adventures-special-pack-dlc/