Skydance’s Behemoth is coming in hot, although it may be coming in hotter than expected. Developer Skydance Games tells Road to VR it’s already planning post-launch patches for its first week on Quest and PSVR 2.
A Skydance Games representative tells us it’s experienced a “cascading hardware failure that delayed the testing and certification of Skydance’s BEHEMOTH across all platforms.”
This however won’t delay release, we’re told, as “the team has since recovered,” with the proviso that the studio is releasing patches on PSVR 2 and Quest within the first week.
This includes a “day-one patch for PlayStation and a day-seven patch for Meta Quest headsets,” we’re told, although there’s no word yet on what those patches include.
There’s also no word on when to expect the PC VR version, as its Steam product page still says the release date is still “to be announced”.
Initially targeting a November 14th release, Skydance Games announced in September it was delaying Behemoth to December 5th to give the team more time to polish the action-adventure title, which was largely seen as one of the biggest VR releases this year.
Launching across Quest 2/3/Pro, PSVR 2, and PC VR, Skydance’s Behemoth is slated to include a 12-hour campaign featuring exploration, combat, environmental puzzles, and an undoubtedly thick slice of VR-native design pioneered in the studio’s most successful VR game to date, The Walking Dead: Saints & Sinners.
Check out the latest trailer below:
The post ‘Skydance’s Behemoth’ Won’t Miss Dec 5 Launch Despite Technical Setbacks, Week-1 Patches Announced appeared first on Road to VR.
This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.roadtovr.com/skydances-behemoth-patches-quest-3-psvr-2/