‘Wall Town Wonders’ is a Mixed Reality City Builder with Tons of Charm, Coming to Quest 3 Next Week

Cyborn, the team behind VR sci-fi adventure Hubris (2022), announced it’s releasing mixed reality city builder Wall Town Wonders on Quest 3 next week.

Coming November 21st to Quest 3 and Quest 3S, Wall Town Wonders promises to turn any room in your house into a magical miniature town.

Supporting hand-tracking, the mixed reality game lets you interact with tiny characters as you help them rebuild and customize their world, rightfully built across your real-world walls.

Image courtesy Cyborn

Wall Town Wonders also promises to bring “a peaceful environment where you can progress at your own speed,” which includes a variety of quests, mini-games, and hidden surprises.

The studio says it’s cued up post-launch seasonal content, letting you keep your little town fresh with new themes, events, and special decorations for the game’s 100 unique buildings, 40+ characters, and variety of skins and decorations already available at launch.

You can pre-order Wall Town Wonders on the Horizon Store for Quest 3 and Quest 3S at a 10 percent discount, which is regularly priced at $20.

The post ‘Wall Town Wonders’ is a Mixed Reality City Builder with Tons of Charm, Coming to Quest 3 Next Week appeared first on Road to VR.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://www.roadtovr.com/wall-town-wonders-quest-3-release-date-trailer/