Pimax 10.24 Update Event

The Pimax Crystal is ready. Are you?

Only on october 24th

$100 off + Free shipping to the US, UK, EU, Japan and Canada.

Limited 24 hour deal, only for October 24th.

October 24th Update:

An update with the biggest updates from the last few months:

  • – Big FOV,

  • – 72 Hz Refresh mode

  • – AMD compatibility

  • – Eye-tracking and DFR

  • – Status 60G Airlink

  • – Audio Latency fix

  • – Headstrap accessory

  • – Standalone mode

  • – Production and shipping

  • – USA office

  • – The 24-hour promotion

  • – And more.

Pimax Update Event: Big FOV lenses, Airlink, $100 off & more

More info please visit : https://pimax.com/update/

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This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://community.openmr.com/t/pimax-10-24-update-event/41235