Haha I saw this one. I replied to Mark about it. Im not sure FOV is what âeveryoneâ is asking for but theres a lot of us Pimax veterans that know what WIde FOV can do for immersion. THanks for the link!!
Indeed and even if we can get 130 to 140. I think most would be happy. I would be curious about the old wearaluty sky that claimed 150 with using a single screen.
Mark does have a miss though. StarVR early headsets started at 5k wide(3ĂWhd) LCD 69hz and later had an OLED 5k at iirc 72-75 Hz. It was with StarVR One they downgraded the Res.
An interesting idea might be to use a single passive 3d screen to increase the left and right overlap by not physically blocking left from right like us done with dual screens. The polarizers could simply make each eye see their own image.
Another interesting thing saw in a ces coverage was at glasses that uses a projector to beam a screen into the eye. Which is something they did in Tekear and Star Trek and I think a few other sci Fi.
I didnt hear about the Wearaluty sky so I found a YT video about it. With the better phones screens of today it might be worth playing with, one of the replys was a guy who used a tablet to increase FOV. I still have a Destek headset that you can use your phone for displays. Really just used it to show off my VR videos I shot but now with wireless Quests its just collecting dust.
Do you remember the name of the Projector style glasses you saw on the CES coverage?
Remember the demo of a prototype VR headset that added the two extra screen panels just on your peripherals, I cant remember who did it but I saw it a few years ago, however now with higher res panels and PCâs not able to keep up, that might just be a dream for years to come.
Well I preordered the MeganeX and excited to see what it has to offer.
I preordered the VR1 Visionary Edition back in 2023, didnt pay for it yet, I really wish I would have preordered the Classic, its about $700 cheaper, and they are discontinuing the Classic, if I would have preordered the Classic they would have built it, but I contacted them and they cant change it. So I may be stuck with the Visionary. Theres supposed to be a price increase on all the VR1 units on Jan 16th, so I need to make a decision on whether Ill go ahead and buy it, I think its going to come to around $3200, yikes! What do you think, the Visionary has eye tracking but will it really be necessary? I thought the VR game had to be optimized for Foveated rendering and since most arent, or are they, then the eye tracking might just be a gimmic for now. NOt sure, whats you take?
Looks Like Halliday
RoadToVR has a good article on Wearaluty Sky. They also have a follow up on very thin Fresnel lenses.
Panasonic had a prototype 220 FoV that used fused lenses and screens. But I am sure someone else has experimented with it as well
That is too bad indeed. I did see about the price increase. Something like by $500 us. The $1900 model will be going to $2400 iirc.
Detailed here.
The XR News Feeds pulls articles from RoadToVR , Skarred_Ghoat and has a variety of other content. Have started a new tag there CES but am thinking should change it to ces_2025
Ive always had good luck with Panasonic HiFi and other electronics. The dual lens looks amazing.
Regarding eye trackingâŚI thought the VR game had to be optimized for Foveated rendering and since most arent, or are they now? Is eye tracking just a gimmic for now. Not sure, whats you take?
Built in support is best. However it can be patched in with varying results. Pimax used Nvidiaâs FFR with Eye tracking on the P2 headsets.
Some games like DCS and MSFS do have ET support and even support Quadvueed in OpenXR
So support is starting to be more adopted with more headsets adding ET. Sony with the Psvr2 should also help push adoption.
O yeah I remember the Pimax FFR. I can remember if I ever used it or not
The Oculus SDK was interesting as prior to Nvidiaâs driver FFR. The Oculus SDK has some like 3 or 4 versions of ffr that a dev could use depending on if the game is vpu bound, GPU bound or balanced. Been awhile since I scanned that.
So FFR has been tech for a while, I didnt realize thatâŚI wonder why more PCVR games havnt implemented it yet. I guess most arent using high resolution headsets for there to be an actual âneedâ. I wish Nvidia would have more support VR more as well to help with frame rates.
Well a lot of Meta games have it baked in even prior to the quest standalone.
The Oculus SDK also has things for using ET.
I donât think too more recently other platforms didnât have these type of things.In the SDKs.
Iirc echo arena was a game that used FFR built in
SO I was looking at some exploded views on the VR1. They look to have canted displays. Really hoping I dont get eye strain like on the XTAL and 8KX because I just placed an order. And I was happy to see I figured the exchange rate in pounds instead of euros. I thought it was going to be $3200 but in Euros is was $2715 so that was a nice surprise when I looked at what I was billed in dollars.
How did you find the Ind x? As iirc it has canting of 5°
Besides Pimax I thought the Index was the widest FOV consumer HMD, that being said, I was going to respond about my experience with the Index but I thought of it while I was at work today, haha. The Index was fine, very easy on my eyes. I actually looked at some exploded views of the Index yesterday and it looked like the panels werent canted at all but since it was only 5 degree then maybe it really didnt show in the pic, see pics attached
I enclosed some pics of the VR1. Its hard to tell from the pics of the VR1 but it looks to be canted slightly according to the pic of the panels, but the pic of the lenses looks like it canted quite a bit, could just be the angle of the camera though
This is @risa2000 Hmdq database. Unfortunately no entries for the VR1 or Xtal hmds. There was a fellow long ago on Reddit iirc that was going to run his tool but never did. Should ask Djonko to run it sometime as he kepted the Xtal ,8k.
Rotational values are the canting
Ok great information. I just sent an email to the Somnium team to ask about the canting and ,if they could give me a value in degrees. I enclosed a couple of pics of their VR1 for reference for them.
Also, since they are working with Vrgineers, I mentioned to them that I believe the XTAL 5k and 8K lenses/panels were canted. Ill post back here if I get a response. Thank again for the info!
This is the link for @risa2000âs Hmdq tool:
Very nice tool, as it collects a variety of data from the headset driver.