Pimax 8kX blinking screens after repair

You said the headset came back after a repair? Imho the headset should have been fully tested prior to returning it to you.

The program management definitely seems off with the duplicates.

@calvinyau may have some ideas on this.

Based on your feedbacks and counsel will put all categories into the sidebar for ease of use. I will also put the Guide Repository category there and when I get a moment remove the current Docs plugin as they will be discontinuing that one in the near future for a much better one


The “Games listed many times” fixed itself on a reboot.

“fresh install of windows!”: I only use this PC for 8Kx. Yes, that does seam like good advice. I should find the time to do that!

“You said the headset came back after a repair?” Yes, I was having the flashing screen problems and pimax and I agreed to send it back for a repair. The factory said
“The engineer flashed the firmware for you and re-tested it, and the screen problem you feedback has been solved.
We will ask our engineers to test it again tomorrow.” They only flashed the firmware (to an old version, with 72hz mabe 75hz) and said it was fixed!

I can confirm:
Works great for about 2 minutes, then:
In Pimax home, after about 2 minutes (when the 8Kx is warm) every refresh rate has flashing screens and or blank screens. Native 90hz, 75hz, 60hz, upscale 110hz


Doesn’t sound like they did much proper testing before shipping it back to you. :man_facepalming:

@calvinyau @JaapGrolleman


“Doesn’t sound like they did much proper testing before shipping it back to you.”
Yes it looks that way.
The problem is, I do not know at this time: It could be my PC, the cable, the usb power, some software.
When I got it back it worked fine for about 30 seconds, then both screens black.
I was asked to remove and reseat the display cable.

After flashing the firmware and installing Piplay https://dlappstore.pimax.com/release/play/PimaxPlaySetup_Release_toC_V1.
There was improvements. The screen flashing and/or blank screen was much better and less often. But not right. So it really could be a firmware or software issue.

I have sent it back AGIAN. Good job I am in China, so sending it back is not such a big deal for me. Oh, National Day holiday in 2024 will be from October 1st to October 7th, totalling 7 days.
They will not look at it until the 8 October.

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I’m right here~ and a few support members are on shift. Could you please provide the ticket number?


I think there is somthing wrong with my 8Kx, whitch is why I sent it back.
Tickit number: 75648

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It has now been 14 days since I sent my 8Kx back, and since I have contact from Pimax on my support ticket #75648.

I know 7 days was holiday, and it may take some time to identify and repair my HMD. However, could someone give me an update or at least acknowledge you have received my 8KX.


Roger that! I’ll reach out to the support team and ask for an update on the status.


Thank you for the nudge.

Pimax wants to send my 8Kx back to me with firmware 297, saying do not update the firmware. Saying it is a firmware issue.

That is how they sent it back a mouth ago. It only worked for 2 minutes. So, Pimax told me to flash the firmware to M299 and that did not help.

I think it is NOT a firmware issue. How can I get Pimax to test my 8Kx properly, to identify the issue?

Is it possible the problem is my PC?
NO, Pimax would test my 8KX and say it has no problem. They clearly found a problem.


Hey Darrell,

Have you receive any response from our tech support?


Dear Calvinyau,
Thank you for your interest.
here is the list:


, said 7 days ago

Dear Cole,

It has been 11 days.

May I have an update?

Even if it is only to say, you have received my 8Kx.


, said 5 days ago

Cc: copycs@pimax.com

Hi Darrell,

Sorry to have kept you waiting
Our test concluded that it is normal to brush the firmware to 297
Could you please provide the delivery address and contact information again
We’ll send it back to you
Do not update the firmware after you receive the headset
Thank you for your reply



Should you feel that you are currently not receiving the expected level of support from the agent or if you believe that an extra pair of eyes on your request would hasten the resolution, please click here to Escalate


, said 4 days ago

Dear Cole,

Have you tested the 8Kx for more than a few minutes.

A mouth ago, you sent it back to me with firmware 297 saying it was working. It was not.


, said 4 days ago

Cc: copycs@pimax.com

Hi Darrell,

We have tested and confirmed that firmware 297 can be used normally
Firmware for 299 is not available



Should you feel that you are currently not receiving the expected level of support from the agent or if you believe that an extra pair of eyes on your request would hasten the resolution, please click here to Escalate


, said 2 days ago

Dear Cole,

I have concerns that Just flashing the firmware has not fixed the problem.

You sent my 8Kx back with firmware 297 saying it was working: IT WAS NOT. After 15 minutes, the flashing or blank screens came back.

You then told me to flash the firmware to 299, which I did. Still the issue.

My 8Kx did work for a year or more with firmware 299: why is it not working now?

Why can you not identify the issue and fix it: I will pay!

297 does not have 90Hz 299 does!

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Now, I do love that Pimax are not charging me for any repair.
However, that makes me think they have not completed a repair!

As they say I can not use firmware 299, but i did use 299 for over a year: that still suggests there is something wrong!

When Pimax sent my 8Kx back one month ago, it had 297 and they said it was working. It was not. I lasted about 15 minutes. They told me to flash 299 and it was still not working properly (screen flashes and blank screens).

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Got it! I’ll take a look at the ticket and follow up with the tech support team.


It seems they have forgotten they have my 8Kx and there must be some translation problems.
It looks like they can not understand when I say "My 8KX IS AT YOUR FACTORY.



said 3 days ago

Cc: copycs@pimax.com

Hi Darrell,

What is your current firmware version
We confirm that the firmware of 297 is OK. Can you take a video of the situation that occurred after you used it for 15 minutes and let us have a look

Thank you for your reply


Should you feel that you are currently not receiving the expected level of support from the agent or if you believe that an extra pair of eyes on your request would hasten the resolution, please click here to Escalate


, said 2 days ago

HI Cole,

I can not send a new video: YOU HAVE MY 8Kx.

I can confirm 297 only worked for 15 minutes.


, said 2 days ago

Cc: copycs@pimax.com

Hi Darrell,

After our analysis
Need to go back to the factory to change the screen

If you accept this option, we hope you will help to cooperate with us to send the defective product to the following location, after sending, please provide the courier information to us, so that we can follow up the courier progress and arrange the repair and inspection for you in time.


Please print the attached return form and fill in it, then put it into the box with the previous 8KX.
Meanwhile, please take pictures to show the item you put into the box and send them to us.
Could you please provide your 8KX’s SN number and take a photo for us at the same time?

We hope that you could cooperate with us to return the defective products within 7 days after confirming receipt of the email.
If there is any problem you may contact us at any time.
Wish you have a nice day.



Should you feel that you are currently not receiving the expected level of support from the agent or if you believe that an extra pair of eyes on your request would hasten the resolution, please click here to Escalate



(10.4 KB)


, said a day ago

Dear Cole,




, said 18 hours ago

Cc: copycs@pimax.com

Hi Darrell,

If you send it back for repair
I’ll have the factory repairman fix it for you as soon as possible



Should you feel that you are currently not receiving the expected level of support from the agent or if you believe that an extra pair of eyes on your request would hasten the resolution, please click here to Escalate


, said 5 minutes ago

Dear Cole,

Thank you for your help.

I sent my 8Kx 2024-09-28 to your factory.



Got it! I’ll review the ticket with Cole and brief him on what happened with the headset.


I have received my replacement/repaired unit.

I am unclear (translation/interpretation) if this is:
A repaired, new screen and outer case,
A new 8Kx.
It looks like a completely new 8Kx.

I did pay a reasonable price for it and, even with the time it took and the confusion: I am Happy!

The issues I was having have completely gone. So the issues I was having was because of the HMD.

Other things that seam different:
1 Difficulty to start some programs in VR
2 IPD seams different
3 Sweet spot seams much higher on the HMD. I need to where the HMD 1 cm lower on my face.

I now have some new issues.
4 Ghosting, severe, on some programs e.g. HLA. Ghosting stops when I open an overlay, i.g. Desktop+
5 Less performance.

I need more play time to look at each of these more closely.


Ghosting gone when an overlay is opened. I never seen this before.
Please run few tests and check the performance.


1 Difficulty to start some programs in VR
Can not start games from pitool. Mostly, can from the desktop shortcut.

2 IPD seems different
Really can not find a way to fix this. Optician says my IPD is 72
old HMD I would set to ~66
New HMD lowest ~60.3 setting gives me straight clear lines in IPD setup. However, I can tell it is not correct. Finding the two (left and right) sweet spots is easy. Getting them both to line up with my eye imposable.

4 Ghosting, severe, on some programs e.g. HLA. Ghosting stops when I open an overlay, i.g. Desktop+
Played for a long time, best so far is:
HLVR massive ghosting. If I click steam (see the steam overlay: rock solid) no issue. Click out of the steam overlay, back to the game:massive ghosting.
Space Pirate Trainer
Click in and out of steam overlay massive ghosting,
Click in and out again of steam overlay, no ghosting
It seems to alternate.

5 Less performance.
Mostly fixed. AMD driver setting for Space Pirate Trainer was (somehow) set to 60FPS. Change the setting to unrestricted, fixed.

That’s strange. Have you reported all of this to our tech support? Did they provide any suggestions on how to resolve these issues?

I have reported this to pimax. They are attempting to help, to no avail.

I have removed all overclocks on the CPU and GPU. I have tried 60Hz, 75Hz and 90Hz.
Furthermore, I have this ghosting when I have no performance issues, e.g. hitting 7.8 of 16.7ms (60Hz)

With and without “Hidden Area Mask”.
With and without “Parallel Projection”.
The steam vr view: wobbles.

To recap:
Massive ghosting.
When I open one of the steam overlays, no ghosting. It looks great.
When I close the Steam overly, massive ghosting again.

Massive ghosting:
In both eyes, looks good. When I move my head, I can see where the lines are now and approximately where they were, at the same time. If I hold my head still: the lines then recombine and look good again.

I do think this is a software issue, but I need help?